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Aspirin and Health Risks It May Cause When Consumed Often

Aspirin is mostly known for its mild to moderate pain relief, anti-inflammatory and fever reduction properties. Additionally, it is also known as the medication commonly used (in small doses) for prevention of acute heart conditions. Every day millions of people worldwide take aspirin. If taken as prescribed the negative impact of the medicine is substantially reduced. Otherwise, it may cause serious disorders (just like any other drug).

Intake Precaution

The following basic precautions should be observed so that aspirin can be the remedy rather than damage:

1. It must be taken as recommended by the doctor.
2. Exact dosing instructions must be followed.
3. It must be taken by the person for whom it is prescribed.
4. It must not be taken more or longer than directed.
5. The doctor must be informed about other medicines currently taken and all the existing health conditions.

Aspirin Side Effects

We have divided Aspirin side effects into several categories which are the following:

  • Common: upset stomach, heartburn, nausea, increased risk of bleeding.
  • Severe: Ringing in the ears, difficulty hearing, dizziness, and drowsiness.
  • Allergic: rash, breathing problems, face, mouth or tongue swelling.
  • Gastrointestinal: persistent stomach pain, black or bloody stool, diarrhea, vomiting.

How Aspirin Affects Health

Aspirin can seriously hurt kidneys, cause bleeding (intestine, kidney, or brain), blood coagulation disorder and Reye syndrome. Generally, such disorders may occur when the medication is used for a long time or the dosage is exceeded. Additionally, even small doses of aspirin may result in various dysfunctions if taken by high risk groups (the elderly, children, pregnant).

Aspirin intake may involve the following risks

1. The danger of kidney disease caused by aspirin intake (because of the restricted blood flow to the kidneys) is relatively low if the medicine is prescribed to a person with normal kidney function. However, the dosage should not be increased, especially if aspirin is taken for a long time. People with kidney condition should avoid aspirin because of kidney bleeding risk, sudden kidney failure, or any other kidney damage.

2. Generally, when used too frequently or excessively, aspirin may cause bleeding in intestine (often), kidney and brain (in rare cases). This can occur if there is predisposition or, again, because of overdosage.

3. Since aspirin is frequently taken for blood clots prevention, its directed dosage should not be increased due to the risk of blood coagulation disorder. The main objective here is to avoid thrombosis rather than getting bruising or hemorrhage.

4. Reye syndrome is another serious condition that affects the organs badly, and that can be caused by aspirin intake. Here children and teenagers are in the risk group. The risk of getting such a disease may be increased when prescribed to the children that have recently got a vaccine or suffer from:

  • chickenpox
  • flu
  • any other undiagnosed disease