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Discover Your Health: News, Products Reviews, Company Events - Page 3

What is Priligy (Dapoxetine)? Premature Ejaculation Control

There is an exclusive offer of the Happy Family Store which gets increasing popularity among those facing the problem of premature ejaculation. This condition was considered to be incurable just a few years ago, but thanks to innovative technologies and professional pharmacists the issue can be easily treatable, and the medication is rather accessible. Still […]

What makes brand-name medications so expensive?

For the last decade ‘brand name drugs’ and ‘generics’ have become buzz words not only among medical professionals, but also among ordinary customers who want to be savvy at health care issues as day by day they dig and delve in their search of the best treatment solutions suitable for them. Not only patients, but […]

Top 10 Most Dangerous Health Threats In The World

This information does not aim at scaring or adding more panic to our stressful life. On the contrary, it is aimed at health improving lifestyle promotion as well as provides helpful medical solutions for healthy well-being. Besides, it is always better to be informed about potential threats and prevent them than suffer from the consequences. […]

Eat Your Breakfast Like a Nutritionist

Breakfast is one of the things that can set your mood for the whole day. It is also one of the most controversial issues in dieting and healthy eating. Many people find that it is not important at all, so they just skip it and replace it with a cup of coffee – or nothing […]

How to Examine Your Breasts Yourself

Breast self-examination is a screening technique that can be performed at home to check whether or not you have breast lumps A breast self-examination can help you screen for: Cysts Tumors Other breast abnormalities There was a time when a breast self-exam was thought to be a good technique for screening for breast cancer. However, […]

7 Summer Bestsellers from Happy Family Store

When you are prescribed some kind of a medication, you are likely to use it on a continuous basis all year round. Consequently, you are constantly monitoring its supply and replenishing it, when needed. No doubt, in the case of the drugs, which you take regularly, you can safely make purchases in advance at an […]

Short Rules for Healthy Living

It is obvious that everybody wants to live long, healthy and happily. At that we do not only strive to reach a great age but preserve sharp mind, good health condition and working capacity. That is why we have prepared smart tips for you aimed to make your live fabulously healthy. Train your brain In […]

Balanitis (Swollen Foreskin): Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

Balanitis means an inflammation of the glans (or a head of the) penis. There are also similar conditions such as posthitis (inflammatory processes manifested in the prepuce) and balanoposthitis which combines the symptoms of both. The sole reason for a distinction between these three conditions is the impossibility of prepuce irritation in circumcised males. Thus […]

Top 6 Supplements and Natural Cures for Impotence

The chapter on natural cures, as an alternative to drug therapy, for the treatment of erectile dysfunction is a particularly interesting topic for the good potential shown. In the current therapeutic scenario, these treatments are often the first approach to the treatment of erectile dysfunction. For this reason, it is appropriate to identify the possible […]

Saving Money on Medication: 7 Practical Tips

Staying healthy is practical, trendy, and also economically beneficial, while being sick becomes more expensive from year to year. According to RxPrice Watch Report, in the US an annual supply of one brand name drug costed an average of $6800 in 2016. Older Americans take 4.5 different prescription drugs monthly, and drug prices increase by […]